023: Punch & Judy Ale

I can’t remember what the quality of the ale was, but I do remember being amused by the name and the label. The entire evening at our friend’s place playing cards was quite amusing.

I’m not sure what happened to the metadata of this image, but it was taken with an iPhone 3Gs and Camera+. I seems that I forgot to take a photo on this day, so this one is filling in from earlier in the month.

  • Camera: 200
  • Taken: 11 February, 2011
  • Location: 33° 42.92′ 0″ S 151° 7.28′ 0″ E

Author: kristarella

Kristen Symonds, aka kristarella, works as a Happiness Engineer for Automattic. She is a WordPress fanatic with a love for photography, craft, SciFi and Fantasy, board games, and more.Kristen is married to Dave and has two pet rabbits named Monty and Zoë. She is also a Christian and plays flute and guitar.

One thought on “023: Punch & Judy Ale”

  1. Entirely by way of rabbit trail I find your website, and happen upon something I haven’t thought of in 10+ years. This picture of Punch & Judy Ale reminded me of 2 work-horses I knew on a friend’s farm when I was growing up. Their names were of course, Punch and Judy.

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